
wechat : we_2010 (不加双鱼座)


@danielkrieger: "The restaurant @maturogdrykkur is located in an old Salt Fish factory by the harbour area of Reykjavík, built in 1924 and used as a salt fish factory until the end of the '60s. A round of giant cod heads headed for one hungry table are being touched with a sear, a moment before the chefs will personally present the prehistoric looking fish to the guests. The waters around Iceland run deep with beautiful fish. Most restaurants succeed in recognizing, and utilizing that resource. The air is so clear I was told carbon levels are actually going down, as opposed to what's happening in the rest of the world. You want to hug the ground when you're there (but it can be often be pretty cold, wet, snowy, or has lava and stuff on it, so maybe don't).... but eating the fish and seafood feels so right."

